About Kokeb McDonald

Kokeb McDonald works to support our HTS teachers as our on-site occupational therapist consultant for teachers. 

Kokeb has her B.S. in occupational therapy from San Jose State University and Master’s of Science degree in health care administration management and change in health care option from Cal State East Bay. Kokeb has additional training and certification in Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI), Integrated Listening System (iLs), Advanced Therapeutic Listening, Interactive Metronome (IM), and Handwriting Without Tears. Kokeb has also developed and written books on Reflex Integration Through Play (RITP) and trains our staff in how to use it in all our classrooms to improve student executive functioning and learning skills.

At HTS, Kokeb provides a plethora of resources for teachers and families to best support individual students. She strongly believes in the value of providing family education and training to help achieve optimal results. Kokeb is very enthusiastic about learning new treatment approaches and expanding her current therapy box of tools.