

Our preschool program cultivates connection through play alongside an engaging academic curriculum.

A powerful start to a powerful life

90% of brain growth occurs before age 6, which is why a child’s preschool experience is so important.

We are proud to be a fully-licensed program that not only recognizes the importance of a reputable and engaging curriculum, but also embraces each child’s unique needs and backgrounds.

Through the power of play, a collaborative staff, and an engaging curriculum, we create an environment where children develop a lifelong love for learning.

HTS preschool graduates become…

Highly-prepared kindergarteners

Our devoted team of teachers ensures that every child enters elementary school ready for academic success.

Strong social and emotional thinkers

Our program prioritizes social and emotional skills for our young learners because this is an essential part of their development.

Inclusive friends

HTS preschoolers are exposed to different perspectives from a young age, and they learn to value and respect each other through our inclusive classroom.

Our devoted team of teachers ensures that every child enters elementary school ready for academic success.

Our program prioritizes social and emotional skills for our young learners because this is an essential part of their development.

HTS preschoolers are exposed to different perspectives from a young age, and they learn to value and respect each other through our inclusive classroom.

Meet the team

The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.

— Maria Montessori

The HTS effect

Our preschool makes use of fun and innovative methods to equip the leaders of tomorrow.

A day in the life of an HTS preschooler can include everything from water play to yoga. Everything we do—from the way we decorate our classroom to how we schedule the day—is to create an environment that is both safe for and conducive to your child’s learning journey.

Recognizing the diverse needs of our students, we rely on play as a universal language, seamlessly bridging cultural, communicative, social, and neurodiverse differences. We prioritize play both indoors and outdoors in order to further each child’s neurological and academic development.

Our dedicated team is committed to curating an innovative classroom where every child can thrive. Through close collaboration with both families at home and our on-site specialized services team, we nurture the academic and social-emotional growth of every child.

We love to have open communication with families so that we can create a warm and respectful team around each child. Together, we ensure our preschool graduates are ready for kindergarten and beyond!

Teachers at the HTS preschool are attentive to each student’s needs and enjoy finding their students’ favorite ways to learn. We use a multi-sensory approach, which engages different types of learning styles and helps information to stick. We provide fun ways for children to experience tactile, kinesthetic, audio and visual learning through sensory play, cooking, music, storytime, art, dance, and more.

We also value fostering collaborative relationships between students; HTS preschoolers often look out for and teach each other within the classroom.

The attentive teachers at the HTS preschool made such a difference in our daughter’s life! She not only entered kindergarten well above grade level academically, but also had so much fun and grew in her confidence and social skills.

Amy Q., HTS Parent

Our curriculum at a glance

Our preschool works to create an adaptive, multi-sensory classroom based on the strengths and needs of each class.

Language and writing

  • Zoo Phonics for letters and letter sounds

  • Letters and Handwriting Without Tears

  • Pre-reading skills


  • Adding and subtracting
  • Counting and number recognition
  • Basic concepts: patterns, positional languages, comparing
  • Adding and subtracting

  • Counting and number recognition

  • Basic concepts: Patterns, positional languages, comparing

Multi-sensory play

  • Teacher led experiences from child-led interests (e.g. bugs, animals, volcanoes, space)
  • Music
  • Movement

Social-emotional learning

  • Play skills: sharing, turn taking, etc.
  • Practicing empathy, perspective taking, and conflict resolution
  • Emotional vocabulary

Frequently asked questions

What is the year-round schedule?2024-05-01T14:14:22-07:00

Class schedule is 9:00am to 2:30pm year round with your choice of 5 days, 3 days, or 2 days in a week.

What is the average student to teacher ratio?2024-05-01T14:15:04-07:00

Varies based on class, but on average, teacher to student ratio is 1:2

What ages do you welcome?2024-05-01T14:15:24-07:00

We welcome children as young as two years old though students are enrolled on a case-by-case basis.

Is ABA therapy available in the classroom?2024-05-01T14:15:44-07:00

While we do not provide ABA therapy, it is allowed on a case-by-case basis. We’ve often found that too many additional adults in the classroom can create an over-stimulating environment for the children.

Do preschoolers have a nap time?2024-08-06T16:27:54-07:00

Children in preschool have the opportunity to rest during a daily designated quiet time, but they are not required to sleep.

Does my child have to be potty-trained to be in preschool?2024-08-06T16:28:13-07:00

Children do not have to be potty-trained.

My child was born during the pandemic and I am concerned that they are behind in some milestones. Can you help with that?2024-08-06T16:28:39-07:00

We understand that many parents see the effects of the pandemic on their child’s development and education. At HTS, each child gets the individual attention they need to not only catch up to academic and social milestones, but exceed them.

Ready to take the next step?

Have questions, want to visit, or ready to become a Husky? We’d love to hear from you. Contact us or select an option below to get started.

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