Payment Confirmation
Hope Technology School donations
Thanks for your donation!
We appreciate your desire to support us in our effort to provide an unparalleled education to every student. Please check your email for a receipt of your donation.
Solicitation for Charitable Purposes
The donation will be used to further the charitable purposes of Erudite Technology Group, Inc. [Tax ID: 943251053, dba Hope Technology Group], 2525 E. Bayshore Road, Palo Alto, California 94303. The organization is tax exempt under California and federal law. Hope Technology School is a program of Erudite Technology Group.
100% of the donation is deductible as a charitable contribution on your federal and state income tax returns, subject to general limitations applicable to your personal circumstances. Please consult your tax advisor.
The soliciting organization, Erudite Technology Group, Inc. [dba Hope Technology Group], including its Hope Technology School, is the organization that will benefit from the contribution.